One 30 minute work comp review. That's all it took for me to save this business owner $31,351 on his work comp. They had been with the same agent for years and had never had a class code rate and credit review. They thought "work comp is what it is". After one review I was able to show this business owner that nothing could be further from the truth..... *Just wait till I tell you next time about their audits. -Matt Stalter Joseph M Wiedemann, St. Charles, IL
Thoroughly refreshing and enjoyable...I have not heard that in a while...great refresher. Every agent should take the Institute, and more than once. I told Jim (boss) how good it was. I asked for the material you mentioned and I got it private labeled the next day. WOW. You inspired me to get onto I will continue to visit and use the intellectual, marketing, and sales knowledge on it to win. Thank everyone at the Institute for all you do for our team. Tim Kelly CWCA Certified WorkComp Advisor Towne Insurance NC
First of all, thank you & the Institute for your communications recently on COVID-19 resources. As an agency, the insurance industry’s response to Business Income was our client’s biggest concern & questions for the first couple weeks. Now that has transitioned to Workers' Comp and how the various States are treating COVID-19 claims and what employers need to know. So thank you for the helpful info, including the link to that attorney in IL’s memo as well as the link to the NCCI page for State’s legislative activity. Brett Gamso Brier, Payne & Meade Insurance
When Owen Taylor of Owen-Dunn Insurance Services was visiting Asheville, he told Kevin and me, “There is no better training to jump-start a producer than your work comp training. I can provide the other coverage learning in-house, but with your work comp training and support, producers have the confidence to move forward with all lines.” Owen Taylor
"What makes the Institute of WorkComp Professionals so different than other education/training is it just doesn't stop after the courses. It's an open phone. Open phone for technical workcomp help. It's marketing help. It's getting the order help, It's talking through getting the most when I present seminars and more. Your job is truly to turn your Copyright intellectual capital into financial capital. IWCP is simply a "sweet" deal.." Stephen Sedlak CIC, CWCA
The Institute teaches, certifies, trains and mentors insurance agents to help frustrated employers take back control of their Workers’ Comp Insurance.
Most employers feel frustrated about their Workers’ comp. Frustrated because they don’t control their Workers’ Comp. The Insurance Company does.
You can get rid of this feeling. YOU can control your Workers’ Comp. Now is the time to take back control of your Workers’ Comp.