The Institute of WorkComp Professionals has three goals for its members:

1. Write more workers’ comp business
2. Get better results for clients
3. Turn promises into performance to keep those clients for life
With these three goals in mind, the Institute works with middle-market, independent agencies to help them accomplish these goals.
It all starts with the agency joining the Institute. Then, agency producers earn the Certified WorkComp Advisor Designation, and the agency support staff earn the Certified WorkComp Specialist Designation.
After earning the designations, the real work begins. The Institute knows that expertise is not developed by taking a course, but rather through experience, deliberate practice, and tools to enhance your learning
You also gain access to our private member website, which has a library of more that 200 resources to help you write more business and get better results for your clients!
The Institute is your Workers’ Comp Help Desk.
Your membership in the Institute gives you access to the Institute’s team where you receive help to develop the expertise to be the go-to workers’ comp expert in your marketing area.
When you’re ready to chat, you can call 828-274-0959, or schedule an appointment.

Certified WorkComp Advisor Institute (CWCA)
For Producers
Designed for producers, the CWCA course will teach you the rules of workers’ comp that very few people, including insurance agents understand. Then, you’ll learn how to take that knowledge and use it to write more business and get better results for your clients.
Offered in-person, live online and on-demand, you can start your path to workers’ comp expertise the way that works best for you.
Fast payback on your investment. No waiting. Register today, and tomorrow use what you’ve learned to slam the door shut on your competition – instead of getting shut out.
You’re never left out in the cold. CWCA’s have questions. We’re always available to chat one-on-one.

Certified WorkComp Specialist Institute (CWCS)
For Account Managers/CSR’s
Designed to help your Account Managers/CSR’s to support the WorkComp process in experience mods, audits, and injury management.
Upon taking all sessions and passing the final exam, your team members will earn the Certified WorkComp Specialist designation. No individual cost, regardless the number of team members. Agencies that are most successful in implementing the IWCP process train everyone who is involved in workers’ comp.
In order to qualify for the CWCS designation, there must be at least one CWCA in your agency and your agency must be a member in good standing with the Institute.

Master WorkComp Advisor Institute (MWCA)
For those with the CWCA or CWCS Designation
Offered as a live online course only. We limited the size of this three-day course for interaction, group study, and case studies. Dig deeper into the WorkComp process and how to present to potential clients. Upon completion of the course and passing the twelve-question essay exam, you will earn the MWCA designation. You’ll mine more nuggets in workers’ comp and the IWCP process.
At this live online-only graduate course, you will interact with only 7 other CWCA’s and CWCS’s. The Master’s course is offered only live because case studies and group discussions are an integral part of the curriculum. You deepen your Workers’ Comp knowledge and burn the lessons on to your brain. Group discussion also centers around attendees’ experiences in knocking out the incumbent using the Institute copyrighted process.