Workers’ Comp education puts trucking co. on the road to Lower Mod and lower premiums

The insured is a company, with 1,100 employees and more than $100 million in revenues.
The company's Workers' Comp-related costs were growing steadily at a rate of 30% per year over a three-year period.
In reviewing the data, CWCAs quickly realized that exceptionally high employee turnover was driving much of the rise in costs. Because of the turnover, safety meetings were infrequent, training ineffective, and job-related injuries on the rise. The indirect costs of high turnover puts more pressure on other employees who take on additional responsibilities, resulting in low morale and lost productivity. Moreover, managers' time was diverted from risk management as they focused on recruiting and hiring new employees. There was also no effective Return-To-Work plan in place. The CWCA showed the employer both the direct cost and indirect costs of the poor hiring practices, excessive injuries and limited injury management efforts.
The CWCA used mod analysis software to help the client better understand how Workers' Compensation works, and the importance of monitoring loss run reports. They also worked with the company to improve hiring practices, decrease employee turnover, make safety messages more effective, revise the Safety Manual, establish a Return-to-Work program, and work with the HR department on a program promoting a safe and healthy lifestyle for drivers.
Over three years, the program implemented by the CWCA, successfully lowered the company's Experience Mod from 1.3 to .63 and lowered premiums from $1 million to $463,000.