One of the Greatest Things
The Institute is one of the greatest things that’s happened to me in my career.
I would not be where I am today, nor would I have the confidence to do what I’m doing if it weren’t for the Institute.
I joined the agency back in 2014 and shortly after enrolled in the CWCA program. The training I received in this course was invaluable and accelerated my learning much faster than I ever thought imaginable.
My father is a MWCA and has been a member for 5 years now. He’s admitted that he’s learned more about workers comp in the last 5 years of being a member than he has the first 25 years of his insurance career. I, too advanced my designation to become a MWCA and it has elevated my knowledge to a level of “no fear”.
I have every bit of confidence in the world that I can help any business with their workers comp struggles. I think my results tell the story. In the last twelve months, I have returned $138,342 in overcharged premium back to my clients.
The Institute has made it so simple… and fun!! Having the institute on my team gives me the confidence to take on the world!
The Institute leaders are absolutely incredible. They are delightful to speak to, always very responsive to my needs and questions, and are among the smartest people I have ever met. Sometimes I think they are more passionate about my success than I am of my own! They are truly industry leaders and innovators.
Jay Roberts
JJ Wade & Associates