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OSHA watch

Reminder: Injury reporting deadlines

Employers are reminded that they must post their 2019 Summary of Work-Related Injuries and Illnesses (Form 300A) from February 1 to April 30.

March 2, 2020 is the deadline for companies that are required to submit the form electronically using the Injury Tracking Application. It's important to remember that in reporting 2019 data, establishments must now provide their Employer Identification Numbers (EIN). For more information.

Citation penalties increase for inflation

Effective January 15, the DOL increased civil penalty amounts for violations to adjust for inflation by 1.01764%. Here are the new maximum penalties:

Type of ViolationPenalty MinimumPenalty Maximum
Serious$964 per violation$13,494 per violation
Other-than-Serious$0 per violation$13,494 per violation
Willful or Repeated$9,639 per violation$134,937 per violation
Posting Requirements$0 per violation$13,494 per violation
Failure to AbateN/A$13,494 per day unabated beyond the abatement date (generally limited to 30 days)

Coronavirus resource

An online resource on a new coronavirus outbreak that includes a link to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention interim guidance, quick facts about the outbreak, and information on preventing exposures is available.

Letter of interpretation addresses headphones in workplace

Although there is no specific regulation that prohibits the use of headphones on a construction site or any other workplace, there are permissible noise exposure limits under the Hearing Protection standard and employers must protect employees subject to sound levels exceeding these limits. While the letter acknowledges that some manufacturers promote their products as "OSHA-approved" or "OSHA-compliant," these are misleading as the agency does not register, certify, approve, or otherwise endorse commercial or private sector entities, products, or services. It further cautions that the use of headphones may produce a safety hazard by masking environmental sounds that need to be heard and it is the employer's responsibility to protect workers from such hazards.

Earthquake safety resource

A new Earthquake Hazard Alert focuses on keeping emergency response workers safe.

Recent fines and awards








For additional information.